a limited-time Parent Pep talk podcast

the connected teen

Nuture the mother-daughter bond while raising independent girls 🤍

Parenting is 80% connection and 20% guidance because until children feel connected they have no reason to follow our guidance. - Dr. Laura Markham

Teens are notorious for pulling away from their parents. It's normal and healthy! Friends are the priority, they're in their rooms more probably on screens, and you’ve totally turned embarrassing as their mom (who knows NOTHING).

You want them to feel confident leaving the nest, but also to maintain a strong relationship with you as their mom.

Parental connection is important because girls who feel connected to their family have better mental health, greater resilience, more fulfilling relationships, and are more likely to follow parental guidance.

So how do we raise connected girls without over-doing it 🤣? I got you! 

Learn the 3 mentor foundations of raising a connected teen. 

I personally know the impact that feeling connected to your family has! I have dinner with my family every Sunday because this connection is foundational for me.

Drawing from my work as an adolescent counselor and the themes girls commonly share, combined with a Master's in Clinical Psychology and Education from Columbia University, I'm excited to share my mentor foundations around the mother daughter connection as your daughter simultaneously grows up.


3 mentor foundations of raising a connected teen

kind words

the connected teen